PLL - Progressive Language Learning AG

Online Placement Test

This test covers 40 exercises in 5 different categories: grammar, vocabulary, communication and listening and reading comprehension. To complete the test, you require a computer with loudspeakers. The exercises vary in difficulty. Do not guess. Leave unanswered any exercises that are too difficult.
Test duration: 35 minutes.

Please send us your answers by clicking the button below at the end ot the test. You will automatically receive an evaluation of your answers.

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Technical Requirements

Please have a set of headphones (or speakers) ready. The placement tests run on any default configured and recent Windows or Mac computer.Tests should be done (whenever possible) on a desktop or notebook computer. Smartphones und Android tablets are not recommended. The tests run on iPads,

Tested Platforms / Required Configuration:
- Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
- Apple Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
- Apple iOS 5, iOS 6 (iPad, iPhone)
- Android 4 works, but is not recommended
- Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- Firefox 3.6 or higher
- Safari 5.1.7 or higher
- Google Chrome 22 or higher
- Popups allowed
- Cookies activated (for sessions)
- JavaScript activated
- Flashplayer for audio. Only for old browsers necessary (IE6, IE7, IE8, old Firefox/Safari/Chrome)
- Audiosystem
- correctly adjusted firewall
- stable internet connection


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